All of Us Need an LQ

When I met LaQuanda, or LQ, as most her friends would call her, I knew instantly I wanted to photograph her. When someone has such a beautiful smile and strong personality, as a photographer you feel a need to capture it. 

I haven’t spent too much time with LQ but have accompanied her and friends on dinner gatherings and karaoke nights. I think our first outing together we rapped the “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” theme song on karaoke night in a German pub. LQ has this energetic vibe to her accompanied by a healthy level of sass. She is the type that won’t shake your hand but rather welcome you in with a warm hug. Don’t we all need an LQ in our lives?

LQ mentioned this was her first time ever being photographed, but as soon as I pulled out my camera, she knew exactly what to do! I didn’t have to tell her how to pose, when to smile, or when to show me sass. She was a total natural!

I absolutely love taking individual portraits of people and capturing their personalities. I am so grateful I was able to do that for LQ, and I am even more honored that I was the first photographer to capture this lovely lady’s smile!