
Throughout my childhood and into my teenage years, I was heavyset. Or as my family would say, I had extra meat on my bones. At first, I didn’t see a problem with this, but as I grew I started noticing that I was different than my friends. Quickly, I learned about society's horribly rigid standards for beauty. 

My family made me feel normal and strong, but I continued a self deprecating lifestyle as the taunts would continue. I saw multiple photos in magazines at check out lines full of happy people. The one similarity, they were all thin. This was accompanied by countless weight loss ads.

I was exhausted and I wanted to change societies standards of beauty. I grabbed my camera and started photographing people. 

Quickly, I fell in love with photographing portraits. Nowadays, people are faced with many challenges that haven’t always been there. Their lives are filled with images on social media of the “perfect” body and lifestyle.

I say, screw that!

There should be no standard for beauty. 

When I photograph you on your special day, an event your hosting, or your kid for a senior portrait, I will strive to boost self confidence and show through photography how beautiful the subject is on the inside and outside.